Our Team
Ludovic Rembert

Hi, I’m Ludovic. I created this site as a consumer resource to help fellow Canadians better understand the changing world of cybersecurity.
Before creating this resource I saw two fundamental problems with the B2B consumer privacy industry. First, education – the majority of people don’t realize the importance of their own data.
Second, nefarious marketing practices – there are a wide array of self-proclaimed security solutions that are doing nothing other than brokering user data without consent.
I currently reside in Montreal working for Symantec on a contract basis. In a previous life, I fixed and rebuilt 64-bit Ubuntu desktops as a side gig, and eventually, I transitioned over to working almost entirely in Debian, my current distro of choice. My focus was on bug discovery in various FOSS applications, and to this day I still enjoy hunting for bugs. 🕵 🕷
On another note – I maintain a globally reachable IPv6 address block and network at my home residence where run several web-services to easily exchange data with friends or peers. My setup is 12 GB of DDR3 ram, a 1 TB hard disk, quad-core processor, two networking interfaces, an Oracle VirtualBox, VyOS (routing software), using a Freenet6 account. This is more for my own entertainment, though I’m always happy to help others with their own IPv6 home setup!
Special Thanks to the Following Contributors:
- Dale Martin – Dale has been kind enough to help with some of our VPN tests for the past several years. If you have any questions about the results included in our reviews and analyses, he’s the guy to talk to.
- Dan Magouta – I met Dan in Beijing another lifetime ago. Dan has helped edit some of the guides on this site, including the Proxy Server Basics guide, as well as our Beginner’s Guide to using The Onion Router.
Colin Murray

Hey everyone. I’m Colin. I started this site with Ludovic and help him with various odds and ends network engineering gigs. Although this site is aimed more towards consumer privacy topics, feel free to message me anytime if you’d like to join our Slack channel.
Warning: Almost always OoO. These days, I’m not in the office. In fact, I don’t have any fixed abode. No house. No office. Nothing. I travel around the world, working from remote locations. And while I’m still writing for Privacy Canada, testing and reviewing security applications, hosting PC events, I’m also working on some personal projects at the same time. Think of it as a semi-sabbatical with no end in sight. That’s awesome for me but doesn’t make the prospects of reaching me in a timely fashion particularly good. Sorry about that!
📸 I’m also a part-time photography wannabe. My home base is Ottawa, Ontario. 🇨🇦
Sabrina Liverpool

Sabrina Liverpool is a Cyber Intelligence Officer at The Chaos Group of Canada, a threat management, cybersecurity, and investigation firm located in Toronto. Through digital background checks, open-source intelligence, and manual research, Sabrina uses her expertise to keep people and businesses safe from threat actors and the unknown. Sabrina has a passion for cybersecurity, and has made it a mission of hers to inform and educate the public.
Sabrina Liverpool has completed multiple McAfee Institute courses and is a certified Cyber Intelligence Professional, Social Media Intelligence Expert, and Open Source Intelligence Expert. Sabrina is also The Chaos Group of Canada’s representative at the Council of Private Investigators of Ontario (CPIO), and a member of the Canadian Private Investigators Resource Center (CPIRC).
Sabrina spends her free time learning electric guitar, exploring unique activities in her city, and planning solo trips. She is pursuing a secondary career as a confidence life coach as she wants to encourage other young adults to chase their dreams and advise them on how to reach their full potential.
You can reach Sabrina through her LinkedIn profile or her personal website/blog where she regularly shares her thoughts on cybersecurity.
Isla Sibanda

Isla is a B2B copywriter from Cape Town, South Africa with a background in computer science and ethical hacking. Since 2012, She has worked with local and international companies completing hundreds of bug bounty programs and pen tests.