Strong Password Generator

Secure password generators craft random, strong passwords to safeguard your online presence in 2024.

Strong Password Generator

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Remember your strong passwords 📓

Option № 1:

Write down a unique strong password for each service you use, and keep them in your wallet.

Simply, people can no longer remember passwords good enough to reliably defend against dictionary attacks, and are much more secure if they choose a password too complicated to remember and then write it down. We’re all good at securing small pieces of paper. I recommend that people write their passwords down on a small piece of paper, and keep it with their other valuable small pieces of paper: in their wallet.

Bruce Schneier
Option № 2:

Write down a unique strong password for each service you use, in a “Password Log Book.

Some people joke about this—using a book to physically write your passwords in—but if using a book is the thing that helps you create unique passwords, that are strong, and you can retrieve them when required, that is a very good start. You have this risk, which is that someone may get their hands on the book—but they need physical access. […] So, as a starting point, a book is actually not a bad idea, particularly if you keep it in a safe place at home.

Troy Hunt
Option № 3:

Use a password management tool, such as NordPass, Dashlane, LastPass, or 1Password.

NordPass is has been a godsend for managing password stress. And free to try. “[NordPass employs] a zero-knowledge infrastructure, which is to say the company never knows your master password and thus can never decrypt your data.”

Ben Moore

Use a safe, privacy-first browser recommends the Brave browser, because it’s secure, fast, and private—with an adblocker built in. brave-logo

Whichever browser you choose to use, make sure that you upgrade your browser.

Check whether a data breach included your email account ?

Use Troy Hunt’s ‘;–have i been pwned? website to find out whether any of your email addresses have been included in data breaches. Also, subscribe to ‘;–have i been pwned?’s Notify Me service, so that the website can email you if your email address is included in any future data breaches. If you find the ‘;–have i been pwned? website useful, you might like to donate to Troy Hunt to show your appreciation!

Check which apps have permission to access your social media accounts 🛂

Have you ever given a third-party app or website permission to access your online accounts, such as your social media accounts or your office software accounts? For example, have you clicked “OK” when playing a new game on Facebook without reading the terms and conditions, or have you tweeted from an app that’s not Twitter?

If the developers of those third-party apps and websites manage their security rigorously, you shouldn’t have a problem. However, if any of those third-party apps or websites have poor security practices, or if the developers decide to produce spam or offensive content, you could lose valuable data—or your reputation.

Check which third-party apps and websites can access:


  1. revoke access from every app you don’t absolutely trust;
  2. log out of every session you don’t absolutely need.

Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) 🌐


Thinking about how to step up your game? Start with strong passwords and then add more layers. Here are four things you can do:


1.  Hooking up a VPN


Think of it like a disguise for your online identity. It keeps your internet connection private and protects your passwords and data from prying eyes. Make it a habit to turn it on, especially when you're on public Wi-Fi.


nordvpn servers

Curious to learn more? Explore our NordVPN Review for the latest specs and user experiences.


2.  Switch to a privacy-first browser


Try a privacy-focused browser. Brave is great—it blocks junk ads and keeps your surfing swift and private.


Tip: Always keep your browser updated to the latest version to benefit from the newest security features.


3.  Check your email for security breaches


Check if your email's been in any past data dumps by using Troy Hunt's ';–have i been pwned? Just pop in your address, and it'll let you know if it's been compromised in past breaches.


You can even sign up for their 'Notify Me' service, which will shoot you an email if your credentials pop up in any new breaches.


4.  Manage third-party access to your digital accounts


Remember clicking 'OK' on those popups when you wanted to play a game through Facebook or use a new app with X? It seemed fine at the moment, didn't it?

To be frank, you're usually safe if app developers are on their game, keeping things locked down tight. However, when they drop the ball—sending spammy emails or sketchy updates—it can mess with your personal info and even tarnish your reputation.

It's wise to regularly check who's got access to your accounts. If you spot apps you don't need or trust anymore, it's time to cut them out.

Testimonials online 💬

We encourage you to refer to the Strong Password Generator for guidelines on selecting passwords.

A great site for creating strong passwords is strongpasswordgenerator.comAT&T’s “Digital You”

If [your passwords] aren’t up to code, move on to Strong Password Generator to create a quick password.


Q: Is the Strong Password Generator safe to use?

A: Yes, the Strong Password Generator leverages complex mathematical entropy to churn out totally random passwords that mix numbers, letters, and symbols. Plus, everything happens on your device – nothing gets sent over the internet.


Q: Why should I use a password generator?

A: Think of a password generator as a high-speed password fortress builder. Hackers with basic gear can test billions of password combos in mere seconds. Our Strong Password Generator crafts passwords designed to keep your data locked up tight against intruders.


Q: Can password generators be hacked?

A: Yes, however, when using a well-known and reputable tool like the Strong Password Generator, the risk is extremely low.


Q: How often should I change my passwords?

A: It’s wise to change passwords every few months, especially for sites where you store sensitive info like your banking or email accounts. Our Strong Password Generator can help make this routine painless by quickly giving you a new, strong password each time.


Q: What makes a password strong?

A: A strong password should be at least 15 characters long and include upper- and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols. Avoid any personal info or common words.